10 Ocak 2018 Çarşamba

Huffman Coding - Huffman coding nedir ?

1 - Şu linkte huffman encoding temel bir örnek ile anlatılmış -> http://www.siggraph.org/education/materials/HyperGraph/video/mpeg/mpegfaq/huffman_tutorial.html
Ayrıca 2 tane güzel çözümlü örnek verilmiş. Şu tanımlar yapılmış :
- Fixed-length code ve variable-length code
- Prefix (free) code
- Encoding , decoding
- A binary code encodes each character as a binary string or codeword. A binary code encodes each character as a binary string or codeword.
- A code will be a set of codewords, e.g., {000; 001; 010; 011; 100; 101}
- How many bytes are used via Fixed-Length versus Variable-Length Prefix Codes
- The Huffman encoding problem is equivalent to the minimum-weight external pathlength problem. Thus Huffman Codes are optimal.
- The tree for any optimal prefix code must be “full”, meaning that every internal node has exactly two children.
- Running time is O(n log n), as each priority queue operation takes time O(log n).

Odtü ve Bilkent'de diğer üniversitelerin çoğunun aksine , Prefix Tree Prefix Codes Binary Tree ile ifade edilir. Dikkat ederseniz paylaştığım diğer linklerin çoğunda, tree binary değil. Konu hakkındaki Bilkent Lecture Slide : http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~atat/473/lecture11-b.pdf

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